Friday 27 January 2012

This is the first artificial intelligence (AI) or also known a robot that have been invented by human being with the main purpose to cook and serve food. It was created by an inventor from Japan. While this cooking robot was a prototype, they have numerous difficulties such a to hold a ketchup bottle, unable to identify cooking utensil and etc. For the past few years, the prototype was complete and perfect. Today this cooking robot have serve dozen of restaurants, it was estimated that after 5 years from now, this robot will be widely use and lift some of the chef's burden. The use of this robot is not only focus on restaurants or tall but also will give a great impact for the housewives.

DustCart is designed to answer a customer’s call for a trash pick-up, make its way to their location and ask for a personal ID number that identifies the user and tracks the garbage. It also asks for the kind of trash being dumped – organic, recyclable or waste. DustCart then opens its belly bin, collects the trash and takes it to a dumping site. Besides replacing the garbage man,DustCart could also eliminate the noise pollution that comes with traditional Italian trash collection by running on a silent, lithium-battery operated engine. The robot is also outfitted with special sensors that monitor air temperature, as well as air pollutants, such as: nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, ozone, benzene, CO and CO2.

At MIT, Cynthia Breazeal and her team are building robots with social intelligence that communicate and learn the same way people do. Her favorite robot is Leonardo. Leonardo is the most expressive robot in the world today. Leonardo's expressiveness arises from its ability to move its eyes, mouth, ears, and arms to express a wide range of emotions.

Although highly articulated, Leonardo is not designed to walk. Instead, its degrees of freedom have been selected for their expressive and communicative functions. It can gesture and is able to manipulate objects in simple ways. Although it is not humanlike, the developers have intentionally given Leonardo a youthful appearance to encourage people to playfully interact with it, much as one might with a young child.

These improvements in technology has shown how good technology can advance therefore we can see that leaps are being made in artificial intelligence. This shows how good technology can get and also the latest breakthroughs in science.

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